What People Say About I Thirst

"In a time when isolation, loneliness and depression seem to be at an all-time high, the I Thirst initiative will help people experience the profound love of God and a sense of communion that will fill people with joy and hope."
Bishop Timothy Freyer
"The body and blood of Christ is the presence of his unconditional love for us poured out in the total self-sacrifice of His Passion and the glory of his resurrection. It is the entryway into his heart, mystical body, and glorious exultation -- opening upon peace of soul, transformation of heart, healing from sin, and unrestrictedly loving eternal life. If we accept him with great reverence and love, he will keep all these promises -- and more."
Robert J. Spitzer, S.J., Ph.D.President Magis Center of Reason and Faith
"Once you have encountered the person of the Holy Spirit, your soul is quenched yet leaves you thirsting for more."
Andi Oney
Hope and Purpose Ministries
“ John the Baptist was a voice crying out from the wilderness, for such a time as this, the wilderness cries out for a voice”
Deacon Larry D. Oney
Hope & Purpose Ministries
"The Lord thirsts for a new Priestly Pentecost to lead the Church forward in the power of the Holy Spirit. Presently the Church’s Eucharistic Revival Program is stirring the faithful to rekindle Eucharistic amazement. Christ chose His priests and made them ministers of the Eucharist and sacramental life. The holiness of priests is vital for the holiness of Christ’s people. Jesus Thirsts for the salvation of souls. The interior renewal of the priesthood leads to Eucharistic revival and life in the Spirit. Learn how the two participations in the One Priesthood of the Lord compliment and support each other."
Kathleen Beckman L.H.S. Author: Praying for Priests
Foundation of Prayer for Priests
"The Holy Spirit is stirring our hearts, filling us with a thirst for Him, in response to His thirst for us! God's people are awakening to the desire of God, the thirst of God for us, that when we turn toward Him, satisfies our hearts."
Barbara Heil
From His Heat Ministry
"Jesus is calling us to surrender everything to his love. The Eucharist will transform our hearts and souls for Jesus."
Deacon Steve Greco
President of Spirit Filled Hearts Ministry,
Director of Evangelization of Formation and Evangelization Diocese of Orange