"No matter how far you have strayed without a destination, no matter how often you have forgotten Me, no matter how many crosses you bear in this life; I want you to always remember, one thing that will never change. I THIRST FOR YOU – just you, as you are."
- Saint Teresa of Calcutta
Highlights of I Thirst Fresno include Mass celebrated by Bishop Joseph Brennan, uplifting music, exhortations on evangelization from inspiring speakers who are equipped to spread the Good News through prayers and the commissioning of all participants to be sent out to spread the Good News.
The JESUS THIRSTS FOR AMERICA 21-city tour will spur needed revival in the United States! I personally invite you to be a part of this movement of the Holy Spirit with this invitation that aims to bring you and people everywhere to a metanoia experience and a renewal in Jesus Christ through the Sacraments of the Catholic Church. The JESUS THIRSTS FOR AMERICA movement comes alongside the U.S. bishops' initiative for Eucharistic revival and provides a way for the local church to embrace a custom-made old fashioned revival that will provide a means for people to encounter Jesus Christ. Local events will include:
¡La gira JESÚS TIENE SED PARA AMÉRICA por 21 ciudades estimulará un avivamiento necesario en los Estados Unidos! Estás invitado a formar parte de este movimiento del Espíritu Santo con esta invitación que pretende llevarte a ti y a la gente de todo el mundo a una experiencia de metanoia y a una renovación en Jesucristo a través de los Sacramentos de la Iglesia Católica. Este avivamiento a la antigua proveerá un medio para que la gente se encuentre con Jesucristo.
s * Gatherings with powerful evangelists * Experience of the power of the Eucharist and the Mass * Repentance and Sacramental Confession * Tools to better pass on the faith as an evangelist in these challenging times We hope you will join us!

Most Reverend Joseph V. Brennan
On May 2, 2019, The Most Reverend Joseph V. Brennan was installed as Sixth Bishop of the Diocese of Fresno.Bishop Brennan was the Episcopal Vicar of the San Fernando Pastoral Region, one of the five Pastoral Regions in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. He was appointed Titular Bishop of Trofimiana and Auxiliary Bishop in 2015. He has been a Chaplain for the Knights of Columbus in California, a member of the Council of Priests and the College of Consultors of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, and also sits on the Board of the Catholic Education Foundation, the Williams Charitable Trust, and Together in Mission, and Served as Moderator of the Curia for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Bishop Brennan will celebrate mass and present at the Spanish track.

Deacon Steve Greco
Steve Greco is a permanent deacon of the Diocese of Orange, president of Spirit Filled Hearts Ministry, a retired pharmaceutical industry executive and author of numerous books and articles on Catholic spirituality. He also believes he was inspired by the Holy Spirit to be a messenger for the Lord through I Thirst. St. Teresa of Calcutta, better known as Mother Teresa, was called by God to thirst for souls and share her love for God's people in a powerful day. Jesus is calling all of us to quench His thirst at Calvary by evangelizing people in the Good News, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I Thirst is a call to respond to the mandate of Jesus Christ to go to the ends of the earth to proclaim the Gospel.

Deacon Larry Oney
Larry Oney is a permanent deacon for the Archdiocese of New Orleans and serves at Divine Mercy Parish in Kenner, Louisiana. He is also chairman of HGI Global, a third-party administration and project management firm. He is also founder and president of Hope and Purpose Ministries. With a passion for lifting people up across the world, he inspires men and women to live their lives with hope and purpose. Through Hope and Purpose Ministries, he aims to put the New Evangelization into practice through preaching, teaching and the media; offering hope and purpose to everyone.

Andi Oney
Andi Oney is the wife of Deacon Larry Oney. She has a background in education, and has developed a love for Scripture. In 2013, Andi attended the International Prophetic Consultation gathering of leaders in the Renewal in the city of bread (Bethlehem, Israel), where she had a profound experience as she prayed in the Upper Room with leaders from all over the world for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit. As a result of Andi’s Upper Room experience, she has answered the call to share with others the gift of the baptism in the Holy Spirit and just finished writing her first book on praise entitled: Extravagant Praise!

Barbara Heil
"How to Win a Catholic" Barbara Heil is founder of the Catholic ministry From His Heart. Barbara grew up on the West Coast, and as a student, had a life changing encounter with the love of Christ and became Christian. Barbara didn't know until recently that she had been baptized as a child in the Catholic Church, and after much prayer and deliberation, she received the Rite of Confirmation in St Paul, Minnesota in April of 2013. She is a public speaker, trains missionaries to share the love of Christ and leads pilgrimages to the Holy Land. She said, "It's my mission to go and tell

Teresa Tomeo
Teresa Tomeo is an author, syndicated Catholic talk show host, and motivational speaker with more than 30 years of experience in TV, radio, and newspaper, 20 of which were as a secular reporter/anchor in the Detroit market. In the year 2000, Teresa left the secular media to start her own speaking and communications company, Teresa Tomeo Communications, LLC. Her weekday morning radio program, Catholic Connection, is co-produced by Ave Maria Radio in Ann Arbor, Michigan and the EWTN Global Catholic Radio Network.

Rev. Alex Chavez
Fr. Alex worked as associate pastor in Visalia with Fr. Eric for two years at Good Shepherd Catholic Parish and then was asked by Bishop Armando to be rector of St. John’s Cathedral. He served there for three years. He was then asked by Bishop Brennan to return to Visalia as pastor of Good Shepherd Parish. Upon his return to Visalia, he said, "I've only been ordained for 8 yrs and my experiences have been beyond all my expectations. I praise God our Father for that. I return to you as your pastor with great enthusiasm and joy. I know the challenges ahead are monumental, but with God not insurmountable." Fr. Alex is a presenter for the Spanish Track.

Rev. Iván Hernández
Fr. Iván graduated from St. Patrick's Seminary on May 8, 2009 with three post graduate degrees: Master of Arts in Divinity, Baccalaureate of Sacred Theology, and a Master of Arts in Theology. He was ordained to the Priesthood on May 23, 2009 in Fresno California by Bishop John T. Steinbock of the Diocese of Fresno. After his ordination, he was associate pastor of St. Phillip the Apostle in Bakersfield California and on February 22, 2015, he was named pastor of St. Rita's Catholic Church. Fr. Ivan is a presenter for the Spanish track.

Arturo Medina
Arturo Medina is a missionary preacher who evangelizes throughout the country. He is coordinator of the family ministry: CALEB active in the parish of Santa Rita in Tulare, California under the direction of its pastor, Father Iván Hernández. He offers growth material on various virtual platforms including YouTube.
Arturo is a committed layperson who has served the Catholic Church for over 20 years as a music director, conference and retreat coordinator, parish youth and family group coordinator, preacher, and much more. He has a master's degree in catechesis and formal preparation. He has provided training as a preacher at multiple youth, couples, and family events within the United States.
Arturo Medina es un predicador misionero que evangeliza por todo el país. Es coordinador del ministerio familiar: CALEB activo en la parroquia de Santa Rita en Tulare, California bajo la dirección de su pastor, padre Iván Hernández. El ofrece material de crecimiento en varias plataformas virtuales incluyendo YouTube. Arturo es un laico comprometido que lleva sirviendo en la iglesia católica más de 20 años como director de música, coordinador de congresos y retiros, coordinador de grupos juveniles y familiares parroquiales, predicador, y mucho más. Cuenta con una maestría de catequesis y preparación formal. Ha impartido formación como predicador en múltiples eventos de jóvenes, parejas, y familiares dentro de los Estados Unidos.