Frequently Asked Questions
What is Jesus Thirsts for America?
Jesus Thirsts for America is a 21-city evangelization tour that kicks off November 19, 2022 at the historic Christ Cathedral in the Diocese of Orange California, and continues over a three year period. Its purpose is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a compelling way to encourage participants to be strengthened by the Sacraments, personal teaching and testimony and become more active in the expression of their faith. The I Thirst events will be one-day events that include Mass, Confession, Teaching, Music Ministry, Healing and Prayer. All I Thirst events will be held at major venues and draw large audiences. The bishop, priests and religious of each diocese will be invited to participate.
What inspired Spirit Filled Hearts Ministry to bring Jesus Thirsts for America to the U.S?
Deacon Steve Greco, president of Spirit Filled Hearts Ministry (www.spiritfilledevents.com) and director of evangelization and formation for the Diocese of Orange, conceived of the idea as a way to draw many back to the Church and to invite the “unchurched” to participate in the life of the Catholic Church. The event is based on the Scripture
How many cities will Jesus Thirsts for America visit?
Twenty-one cities will be visited, beginning with the Diocese of Orange, California, on November 19, 2022.
What if Jesus Thirsts for America is not happening in my area?
If you would like to invite Jesus Thirsts for America to your diocese and no such visit is currently scheduled, contact us through our website and we will evaluate if such a visit is possible.
What will take place at an I Thirst event?
Mass (typically offered by the local bishop), prayer, praise, healing and music will all be components of I Thirst events.
Who is involved?
Jesus Thirsts for America is an evangelization initiative of Spirit Filled Hearts Ministry (SFHM). Participants in each I Thirst event include the staff of SFHM, representatives of the local diocese and prominent Catholic speakers.
After Jesus Thirsts for America, is there any follow up?
Yes. Our team at Spirit Filled Hearts Ministry will follow up to assist dioceses encouraging I Thirst participants to become more active in their diocese and parishes.
How much does it cost to attend?
Costs vary according to the circumstances of each diocese. For the first event, for example, in the Diocese of Orange, participants will be asked to contribute $30 for a ticket, which will be used to defray the costs of the event.
How can I become a sponsor, volunteer or prayer warrior for Jesus Thirsts for America?
Send an email to [email protected] and we will assist you.